


门票98元。开始爬山,景区内没有缆车。两种方式:小圈子,或大圈子。小圈,约2小时,包括玻璃栈道。大圈4小时,包括栈道和玻璃吊桥。 (感觉三个多小时,我们还是爬得很慢)




人们从小说《杨家演义》和传统话剧《元门战子》中认识木克斋。这些故事中著名的女中学英雄穆桂英流传千古,抚养穆桂英长大的木克斋,就位于北京郊区的房山区张房镇木家口村。 “北方小桂林”。十渡风景区的三渡。木客寨位于北京市房山县张房旅游区,距首都78公里。张坊旅游区服务设施已形成规模,四通八达的交通十分便利。这里有豪华的旅游宾馆、依山傍水的餐厅、古朴淳朴的农家乐,为国内外游客提供了吃、住、行、购、娱的理想度假胜地。木克村位于房山。十渡景区木家口村是张坊镇旅游公司近两年新修复的文化旅游景区。据专家考证,这里曾是辽宋古战场。



东经107°15′36″~107°41′08″,北纬27°20′18″~28°12 ’30″,总面积1864平方公里,区域南北狭长,东西最大距离25.5公里,南北最大距离96.5公里。地质地貌 湄潭县地处云贵高原与湖南丘陵的过渡地带,全县平均海拔972.7米,县域平均海拔910米,乡交汇处泸塘河与乌江河交汇处,海拔461米,湄潭地处川黔南北构造带、北北东构造带和东北构造带的交汇处。全县跨5界8系,其中寒武系分布最广,占总面积的52%县城,其次是奥陶纪。境内地质断层交错,褶皱细密,构造复杂,地貌多样。




汹涌的拒马河在石门下流淌,仿佛感受着石门的威严,只好静静地坐在它脚下流淌通过。 . . . .二渡:“剑壁平关” 这是十渡风景区最壮丽的地方。拒马河东岸是一片开阔的洪泛平原,而西岸则是一座长达数公里的巨大高耸悬崖,中间有一条从上到下的巨大裂缝,仿佛被一把巨剑劈开。远远望去,真的就像是一座雄伟的大门矗立在你的面前。三都:“太阳峰祈雨” 这个风景区以奇石着称。许多巨大而直立的尖峰簇拥而散。远远望去,好似雨后竹笋如雨后春笋般冒出来,形成了独特而美妙的竹笋林景观。古代有一个传说:在这里祈雨非常有效。四渡:《咸丰浪月》 有一条狭长的山谷,名叫“咸丰谷”。谷中溪流淙淙,峰峦叠嶂。每当夜空如洗,明月在天,月光勾勒出山峰的轮廓,玲珑剔透。沿着拒马河漫步,仰望月华山的影子,真是令人神往。 . . . . .武都:“品翠听风”可能与地形和小气候有关。这里的植被非常茂盛,植物种类也非常丰富。望着中间的青山沟壑。这是另一个风口。不时有山风吹来,林涛阵阵。真的是临西避暑、小憩的好去处。六渡:“金沙滩阳光” 其实十渡景区的拒马河沿岸有很多沙滩,但不知为何,这里的沙滩不仅面积大,而且沙子细软,阳光普照金光。躺在柔软温暖的沙滩上,在水中嬉戏后晒日光浴,真是一种美妙的享受哇!七都:“东方初升的太阳”七都桥东侧的悬崖上,层层岩层明显是同心的半圆形隆起,垂直于半圆形有许多放射状裂隙。隔河望去,果然像一轮半圆的旭日东升。即将爆发,散发出千道光芒!这种岩石褶皱现象在地质学上称为背斜。如此完整平滑的径向裂隙配上这样的影像,堪称奇观。八都:“陆飞苍崖” 崖壁和拒马河边的河滩旁,树木茂盛。美丽的风景也吸引了一群白鹭飞来这里。他们在悬崖上筑巢。在青山绿水的映衬下,她们洁白曼妙的身姿或动或静,或飞舞或舞动,为景区增色不少。生机无限。九渡:“笔架仙城” 巍峨的“笔架山”开阔雄伟,碧绿碧绿。风电的轮廓很像一个巨大的笔筒。真不知道谁的巨笔能配得上这个天成笔筒?应该是在神界。但我们只能惊叹于这件作品的惊人做工。十渡:“龙岩现佛” 相传龙虎在此激战,玉帝大怒,化作龙山虎山,一左一右。并在龙山崖上刻了一个佛字,阻止他们再战。事实上,“佛”字是水沿着岩石的节理和裂隙,经过亿万年的侵蚀和风化,自然形成的。但能形成如此清晰、书法般的“佛”字,实在是太神奇了。十一渡口:“碧塔溪倒影”巨马河在此又拐弯,形成开阔的水面。对岸的山峰上矗立着一块直立的岩石。远远看去,还真像一座宝塔。它矗立在峰顶。山光“宝塔”的影子倒映在碧波荡漾的碧水中,形成一幅美丽的画卷。十二渡:“龙门放舟” 左右两座高耸的悬崖,就像是刚刚打开的两道“龙门”。拒马河从“龙门”流出,景色十分壮观。河中有一个非常开阔的水面。在这片蔚蓝的海浪上乘坐平船或竹筏,一定会让你神清气爽,神清气爽。十三渡:“孤帆远影”十三渡的拒马河南岸群山郁郁葱葱,近水峭壁之间有一座突出而独立的山峰。无论是形状还是颜色,都像是一座壮丽的山峰。升起的风帆,在翠绿的群峰映衬下,倒映在波光粼粼的水面上,形成“孤帆远影”的诗意之美。十四渡:“一障平天” 一排巍峨巨峰在眼前形成了一道玉障。山峰的轮廓几乎像天上的地平线一样笔直!相传清朝在选址时便看中了此地,后来因故建于现在的西泠。虽与“帝天”失之交臂,但一定是风水宝物。十五渡:《风扬辰涛》 这里的美景是大而笔直的白杨林。但要欣赏这一幕,晨星少,天亮,朝阳还没有吐出来。山村还没有醒来,一切声音都静了下来。一个人走在悬崖河畔的白杨林中,晨风在吹,每一片绿叶都发出响动,形成一波又一波的惊心动魄的声音。十里都渡:《桃花渡夕阳》 每逢春三三月,这里的山桃花竞相绽放,染红了山河江河,一阵山风吹过,落花五彩缤纷,飘向火热夕阳西下,落于赤霞古渡面上。真有一种“夕阳还桃花渡,落叶飞红”的诗意。十七渡:“五行山” “五行山”也被当地人称为“五指山”。它由五块高耸的巨石组成。它们分别代表金、木、水、火、土五种元素,也象征着仁、义、礼、智、信。远远看去,就像是一个人伸出的五根手指。应该说,老百姓的意思更生动。十八渡:“三清会” 十渡风光集中于此。看,这里的群山:雄伟茂盛,美不胜收;这里的水:蜿蜒而湛蓝,如此清澈;这里的天空:云淡风轻,那么清澈;朋友们,请珍惜这北京郊区的一份纯美!因为它能让你的心变得纯净。 . . . . .



< p style=”color:#00bf68;font-size: 22px;background: #F1F1F1 ;width: 100%;”>6.三都镇政府

现新浦街道,属于贵州省遵义市新浦新区。 2015年12月8日,省人民政府关于批准调整红花岗区部分行政区划的批复(干府函[2015]295号)同意取消设立中庄镇、南关镇、长征镇、新浦镇并设置在街上。新浦新区辖新洲、夏子、永乐、三都、洛洛5个镇,以及新浦、新中、立宜3个办事处,2018年底面积987平方公里,人口40万。



朱马河漂流。冬天滑雪,夏天漂流。漂流是十渡旅游的灵魂。美丽的源泉拒马河沿河蜿蜒而下。从十八渡到三渡,有几个地方河道狭窄湍急。人们建造了许多漂流点。 .



十渡蹦极。 1997年5月,中国第一座蹦极平台在房山十渡风景区九都麒麟山悬崖上建成。它高出水面48米,悬臂24米。 1998年4月下旬,旁边建了一个55米高的跳台,悬臂26米。










长征从1933年9月到1934年夏,第五次抗——红军在中央革命根据地(又称中央苏区)的“围剿”行动,在中共中央、中国苏维埃军事冒险主义和军事化的战略指导下共和国中央革命军事委员会(简称中央革命军事委员会)、博古等领导人实行的保守主义屡败屡战,苏区不断缩小,形势日益严峻。红军在湘赣革命根据地(又称湘赣苏区)的反“围剿”形势也十分艰难。在这种情况下,中共中央、中华苏维埃共和国中央革命军事委员会为探索中央机关和中央红军战略转移的路径,下令建军第六军。红军撤出湘赣苏区,在湘中开展游击战,在湘中开展游击战。联系红三军。 1934年8月7日,红六军突破重围,向西进发。经过两个多月的战斗,于10月下旬抵达黔东印江县沐黄,与红三军会师(后恢复红二军军衔)。随后,两军向湘西发起进攻行动,创建了湘鄂川黔革命根据地(又称湘鄂川黔苏区)。 10月初,国民党军群继续向中央苏区腹地挺进。这时,中共中央和中央革命军事委员会领导人博古,未经中央政治局讨论,决定放弃中央苏区,赴湘西会合。红2和红6军团。 10日晚,中共中央、中央革命军事委员会率领中央红军五个主力军及中央、军委直属班子,共计30余人。 8.6万人,从瑞金、古城等地开始长征(见彩图)。红军第24师和地方部队共计16000余人。在向英和陈毅的带领下,他们留在了当地,坚持斗争。 21日晚,中央红军以第1军为左前卫,第3军为右前卫,第9军掩护左翼,第8军掩护右翼.第2纵队在中间,第5军担任后卫。从江西于都县西南部的王木渡和新田突破国民党军队的第一次封锁,25日越过新丰河。之后,中央红军带着大量笨重的物资装备,继续沿着山路以隧道状的队形向西进发,缓慢前进。直到11月15日,它才先后通过国军第二、第三道封锁线,进入临武、岚山、嘉禾一带。此时,蒋介石动用16个师专攻“追剿”,并命粤军、广西军9个师拦截,企图围歼中央红军东部地区。湘江的。宜章与湘江之间广大地区的国民党军力量薄弱,而负责“追剿”和拦截的国民党军则因派系冲突而行动不一。这种情况有利于红军的机动作战。然而,博古等领导一味后退,避战,使红军继续处于非常被动的地位。 25日,中央革命军委决定,中央红军分四纵队渡过兴安、泉州之间的湘江,然后离开湘桂交界的西堰地区。 27日,部分红军突破第四道封锁线,渡过湘江。国民党军队由北向南推进,向红军发起了全面进攻。经过湘江两岸的血战,12月1日,红军渡湘江,进入西堰地区。至此,中央红军已从长征之初的8.6万多人减少到3万多人。湘江会战后,蒋介石调整部署,调兵到黔阳、洪江一带,企图在湘西北出的路上围歼红军。在这个关键时刻,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府主席毛泽东坚持放弃原定加入红二、红六军团的计划,搬到了国民党执政大权所在的贵州。虚弱的。 12月18日,中共中央政治局在黎平召开会议,接受毛泽东的提议,决定中央红军以遵义为中心向川黔边境地区挺进,从而防止红军被摧毁。 20日,中央红军分两条路西进,连接克间河、太公(今台江)、镇远、施兵等市,于1935年1月7日占领遵义市。1月15日至17日,政治局中共中央扩大会议在遵义召开。本次会议重点总结第五次反“围剿”失败的经验教训,纠正王明“左”倾冒险主义的军事错误,确立中共中央的正确领导以毛泽东为代表,制定了随后的红军战略方针,在最关键的时刻拯救了红军和中国共产党。遵义会议是中国共产党和工农红军历史上的一个重大转折点。 3月,成立了以毛泽东为首、周恩来、王家祥参加的三人军事指挥组。他们以中共中央和中央革命军事委员会的名义指挥红军的行动。中央红军入侵遵义后,蒋介石率领数十万大军,向遵义地区扩张,企图在川黔边境围剿中央红军。在此情况下,中共中央、中央革命军委决定,中央红军北渡长江,进入川西北,创建新苏区。 1月19日,中央红军从松坎、桐梓、遵义向土城、赤水推进。 29日,他们越过赤水河,进入川南。此时,国民党军分岔追击中央红军,并加强了长江两岸的防御,企图在江南徐庸以西地区围歼红军。 ,横江以东。基于这种情况,中央革命军委决定,红军暂停实施北渡长江计划,转而在滇黔、四川边境地区进行机动作战。 2月11日,红军东转; 18日至21日,渡赤水河,返回黔北; 2月下旬,在遵义地区击溃国民党军2个师8个团。遵义会战后,国民党军队转为防御工事和重点进攻相结合的战术,企图在遵义和雅西的狭隘地区包围歼灭红军。为了寻找新的战士,红军向西转,于3月16日至17日三度渡赤水河,然后进入川南。蒋介石紧急下令“追剿”部队进攻川南,企图围歼古林地区的红军。当国民党军队再次集中在川南时,中央红军突然转向东北,然后于21日四面渡赤水河,偷偷折回黔北。 27日,中央红军动用第9兵团在麻宗岭地区克制国民党军,主力南下。 31日越过乌江逼近贵阳,将“追剿”国民党军留在乌江以北。 4月8日,中央红军主力从贵阳、龙里突破国民党军的防线,利用缺口向云南快速推进。 27日,它抵达昆明附近。 29日,中央红军从寻甸、嵩明地区向西北进发,5月9日从皎平渡金沙江。红9兵团单独作战乌江北岸,向西经黔西、水城,5日、6日从蜀街、燕井坪渡金沙江至东川(今会泽)以西。中央红军主力。 .至此,中央红军摆脱了数十万国民党军队的围困,取得了战略转移的决定性胜利。同年3月28日至4月21日,红四方面军在嘉陵江战役中取得重大胜利。然而,红四方面军主要领导人张国焘擅自决定放弃川陕革命根据地(又称川陕苏区)西进。 5月初,四方面军、地方武装、苏维埃干部等8万余人展开长征,年中占领了以茂县(今茂文)为中心的广大地区,力帆(今理县)。中央红军渡金沙江后,为落实在川西或川西北创建苏区的计划,于5月15日从会理附近继续北上。冕宁以北的大凉山彝族地区,还有大渡河,自然险要。蒋介石率薛岳、刘向等兵向北进攻,企图利用彝汉民族冲突和大渡河的障碍,围剿中央红军以南地区。大渡河。 20日,中央革命军委带领中央红军快速向北推进,顺利通过伊敏地区。 24日晚,他们在大渡河右岸攻占安顺昌,歼灭两个守军连,控制了安顺昌渡口。 25日,红一团二连的17名战士在连长熊尚林的率领下,冒着守军的猛烈火力,战胜了大渡河的激流和波涛,乘船顺利渡过,击溃左岸守军1营。滩头阵地已经巩固。然而,这里的水流如此之快,根本无法造桥。中央红军只有四艘小船,短时间内无法过河。此时,追击的国民党军队已经逼近,形势十分紧迫。为快速过大渡河,中央革命军委决定,从安顺昌继续与红一师、干部组过河,沿大渡河左岸向北,主力沿大渡河右岸向北推进。桥。沿右岸推进的主力红四团,屡破川军阻挠,进展迅速,29日上午攻占泸定桥西桥头。泸定桥东桥头与泸定城相连,主要由川军第38团防守。在红军到来之前,守军已经拆除了铁桥上的木板,只剩下13根铁链挂在大渡河上。情况非常危险。经过紧锣密鼓的准备,当日16:00,红四团发动了夺取泸定桥的战斗。 Under the cover of the regiment’s firepower, a commando composed of 22 warriors from the 2nd Company, led by the company commander Liao Dazhu, braved the intensive firepower of the defenders, climbed the hanging iron cables to attack the east bridge, and successfully occupied the bridge. , and rushed into the city of Luding. The follow-up troops of the Red Army followed closely across the river, annihilated most of the defenders, and occupied Luding City. Then it joined forces with the troops heading north from the left bank, and on June 2, the Central Red Army all successfully crossed the Dadu River. At this point, Chiang Kai-shek’s attempt to annihilate the Red Army in the area south of the Dadu River was completely bankrupt. After the Central Red Army crossed the Dadu River, it continued northward, occupied Tianquan, and took advantage of the victory to break through the Lushan and Baoxing lines of defense of the Sichuan Army. Then, with a tenacious revolutionary spirit, the Central Red Army climbed the Jiajin Mountain, which was covered with snow all year round and thin air, and marched in the direction of Maogong (now Xiaojin). At this time, the Red Fourth Front Army was branching westward from the Minjiang area. On the 12th, the leading troops of the Central Red Army joined the first division of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army on their way northward to Dawei. On the 18th, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission led the Central Red Army to reach the Maogong area. After the Central Red Army and the Fourth Red Army joined forces, the total strength reached more than 100,000. As early as the winter of 1934, when the Kuomintang army concentrated more than 40 regiments on the siege of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionary Base (also known as the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area), according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, more than 2,900 people from the 25th Army of the Red Army were dispatched on 11 Starting from Hejiachong, Luoshan County, Henan Province, on the 16th, it moved west of the Pinghan Railway and began the Long March. In December, the Red 25 Army moved to the Yujiahe area of ​​Luonan (now Luonan) in Shaanxi Province. After that, the Red 25th Army carried out guerrilla warfare in the border areas of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi. By May 1935, after the battles of Cai Yuyao, Wengongling, Shita Temple, etc., the first “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang army was smashed, and the first “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang army was opened up. Shaanbian Soviet area. In the first ten days of July, a Kuomintang army brigade was wiped out at Yuanjiagoukou, and then it went north to Zhongnan Mountain, smashing the second “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang army. In order to cooperate with the Central Red Army and the Red Fourth Front Army to go north, the Red 25th Army set off from Fengyukou south of Xi’an on the 16th, passed through Huxian and Zhouzhi County, entered Gansu, and captured two places. Turning to the north, they joined the 26th and 27th Army of the Red Army in Yongping Town, the Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base (also known as the Soviet Area) on September 16. Then, it was compiled into the 15th Army of the Red Army. After the Central Red Army and the Fourth Red Army reunited, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategic policy of creating the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Su area based on the national situation and the situation in person, while Zhang Guotao advocated the development of remote areas such as Qinghai, Xinjiang or Xikang (now western Sichuan and eastern Tibet). retreat. In order to unify the strategic thinking, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on June 26, 1935 at Lianghekou, north of Maogong, and decided that the Central Red Army and the Fourth Red Army would go north together to create the strategic policy of the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu-Su area. Accordingly, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission formulated a campaign plan to capture Songpan. On July 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed Zhang Guotao as the general political commissar of the Red Army. On the 21st, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission decided to use the headquarters of the Fourth Front Army as the headquarters of the former enemy of the Red Army, with Xu Xiangqian (concurrently) in command, Chen Changhao (concurrently), political commissar, and Ye Jianying, chief of staff. In addition, the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 9th Corps of the Central Red Army were changed to the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 32nd Corps in turn. Due to Zhang Guotao’s obstruction, the time for the Red Army to go north was delayed, and the Songpan campaign plan was not implemented. In early August, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to restore the designation of the First Front of the Red Army, with Zhou Enlai serving as commander and political commissar. In order to continue to implement the northward policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission decided to enter the Xiahe and Taohe basins in southern Gansu. On August 15, Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Red Army, and Zhang Guotao, general political commissar, led the Left Army, consisting of the 5th, 9th, 31st, 32nd, and 33rd Army, from the Zhuokeji area and marched towards the Aba area; 21 On the 1st day, the former enemy general headquarters led the right road army composed of the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 30th Corps, starting from the Maoergai area and advancing towards Banyou and Brazil. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission followed the Right Army. The Red Army’s commanders and fighters went through hardships and passed through the vast grasslands with inaccessible and volatile climates. The pioneer column of the Left Army arrived at the Aba area on the 20th. The Right Route Army arrived in Banyou and Brazil on August 27. From August 29th to 31st, the 30th Army of the Right Route Army and part of the 4th Army adopted the tactics of attacking points to fight for reinforcements, and wiped out about 5,000 people from the 49th Division of the Kuomintang Army in Baozuo, opening the door for the Red Army to advance to Gannan. . On the way of the Red Army’s Right Route Army’s advance towards Banyou and Brazil, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China ordered Zhang Guotao to ask the Left Route Army to quickly leave Mowa and Banyou and join the Right Route Army to advance eastward. After the Red Army’s Right Route Army arrived in Banyou and Brazil, Mao Zedong, Xu Xiangqian, and Chen Changhao jointly called Zhang Guotao to suggest that the Left Route Army quickly leave Banyou and move closer to the Right Route Army. However, Zhang Guotao made an excuse not to implement the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and ordered the troops that had entered the vicinity of Mowa to return to Aba. Next, Zhang Guotao proposed a plan for the main force of the Red Army to go south to Chuankangbian Tianquan, Lushan, Daofu, Danba and other places to counter the CPC Central Committee’s northward policy, and ordered Chen Changhao to lead the Right Route Army to the south. Then, he proposed to “completely carry out intra-party struggle” in an attempt to endanger the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Ye Jianying, chief of staff of the former enemy general headquarters of the Red Army, saw through Zhang Guotao’s conspiracy and tactfully reported Mao Zedong. Under this circumstance, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China led the 1st and 3rd Army of the Red Front Army (later formed the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment) on September 10 to continue northward, and on the 16th approached Lazikou, a key point on the Sichuan-Gansu border. At dawn on the 17th, the Red Army captured Tianxian Lazikou in one fell swoop, occupied Hadapu on the 18th, and successfully entered Gannan. Then, it broke through the blockade of the Weihe River by the Kuomintang army, crossed the Liupan Mountain, and arrived at Wuqi Town in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Su District on October 19. So far, the Red Army’s main force lasted one year, 11 provinces, 25,000 miles of the Long March ended successfully. In early November, the Red Army’s Shaanxi-Gansu detachment joined forces with the Red 15th Army Corps in the area near Ganquan. After the reunion, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China once again decided to restore the name of the Red Army. From November 21 to 24, the Red Army won the battle of Zhiluo Town, completely smashing the third “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang army on the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet area. Zhang Guotao refused to implement the CPC Central Committee’s policy of going north. In September 1935, he ordered the 4th and 30th armies of the Left Army and Right Army to go south from the Aba and Baozuo areas respectively, in an attempt to establish a Soviet area in the ethnic minority areas in Chuankang. From October 8 to 20, the Red Army went south and launched the Sui (Jing) Chong (Hua) Dan (Ba) Mao (Gong) campaign, defeating 6 brigades of the Sichuan Army. On the 24th, the Tian (quan) Lu (mountain) Ming (mountain) Ya (An) Qiong (Lai) Da (eup) campaign was launched; from November 13th to 19th, the Red Army fought with more than a dozen brigades of the Sichuan Army in the Baizhang area in the northeast of Mingshan. In seven days and nights of fierce fighting, although more than 15,000 Sichuan troops were wiped out, the Red Army also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties. In February 1936, the Red Army was forced to move westward and entered Daofu, Luhuo and Ganzi areas in April. So far, the Red Army has been reduced from more than 80,000 to more than 40,000 when it went south, and Zhang Guotao’s southward movement failed. Under the persuasion and supervision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and after the struggles of Zhu De, Liu Bocheng and the commanders and fighters of the Fourth Red Army, Zhang Guotao was forced to accept the strategic policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to go north in June. In September 1935, the Kuomintang army concentrated more than 130 regiments, adopted the policy of protracted operations and fortressism, and launched a new “encirclement and suppression” campaign against the Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou revolutionary bases (also known as the Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Soviet areas) and the Red Army. Under the heavy attack of the Kuomintang, the CPC Hunan-Hubei-Chuan-Guizhou Provincial Committee and the Military Committee decided that the Red Army would turn to the outer lines to seek new maneuvers and open up new Soviet areas. On November 19, a total of more than 17,000 people from the Red 2 and Red 6 Corps departed from the Sangzhi area in Hunan, exited the Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Soviet areas, and began the Long March. After 4 months of fighting, the Red Army entered the Panxian and Yishikong areas in southwest Guizhou on March 30, 1936. At this time, Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Red Army, and Zhang Guotao, the general political commissar, ordered the Red Army 2 and Red Army 6 to cross the Jinsha River northward to join forces with the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army. The Red 2 and Red 6 Corps then left the Panxian area on the 31st and rushed westward in two ways. From April 25th to 28th, they crossed the Jinsha River from Shigu and Judian in the northwest of Yunnan respectively, marched northward, and climbed several snow-capped mountains in succession. Meet the teacher. On the 5th, the Red 2nd, Red 6th Army and Red 32nd Army were ordered by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission to form the Second Front Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants’ Red Army.成员。 At the beginning of July, the Second Red Army and the Fourth Red Army set out from Ganzi, Luhuo, and Appeasement and marched north together. With amazing revolutionary perseverance, the majority of commanders and fighters overcame many difficulties and passed through the vast grassland for hundreds of miles, defeating the interception of the Kuomintang army. In early September, it successfully entered Gannan, and controlled 8 county towns and vast areas of Zhangxian, Taozhou, Weiyuan, Tongwei, Chengxian, Huixian, Liangdang and Kangxian. At this time, the main force of the Red Front Army headed south from the area near Yuwang Fort in Ningxia, and the Red Army Second Front and Red Fourth Front Army went north. On October 9 and 22, the Red Fourth and Red Second Fronts joined forces with the Red First Army in Huining County and Jingning County, Gansu Province successively (see color map). So far, the Chinese Workers and Peasants’ Red Army’s Long March has ended successfully. The victory of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army’s Long March is a miracle in human history. In two full years, the Red Army fought in 14 provinces, broke through the siege and interception of hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops, and withstood the test of hardships and obstacles, and finally successfully completed the strategic transfer. The victory of the Red Army’s Long March created important conditions for the development of a new situation in China’s revolution and revolutionary war.

9. What villages are there in Sandu Town

蕲春县辖15个乡镇,其下划设村579个。 579个村为:长林岗、三码河、刘塝、夏塆、六房塆、何大塆、严垅、大枫树、高新铺、上武松、团石头、关河、瓮门、冯围、高德畈、杨树畈、八斗地、菜园头、槐树山、飞跃、黄厂、泉水坳、马骑畈、梅畈、铁山、田河、彭祖、马冲、大路铺、杨四岭、清水河、洪祖二、高山铺、上河桥、汪林、独山、十里铺、黄婆坳,一居民、二居民、傅畈、吴庄、十里畈、夏漕、豁口、南门畈、新建、枫树林、罗州城、大河口、芝麻山、李嘴、经济场;竹瓦、下朱云、上朱云、东山、龙顶、陈云、张玉芳、朱四房、童畈、童新、黄通八、徐亮、苏圩、下陈、西福、东福、张高、关沙、赵嘴、赵林、五斗地、王塆、范铺、邓园、酒铺、野塘嘴、杨墩、马铺、伊漕、邓信、三渡、蔡祖、赵伯三、甘塆、白河、王嘴、张岗、板桥、北风头、白池、田围、金城、杨旦、龚大围、杨潭;雨湖、南门、城内、东门、一关、郦公园、红石头、上河口、街道、二里湖、江河、牛皮坳、横坝、扎营港、沙径、黄土岭、红门楼、油树垴、邵垅、潘塆、菩堤、五里墩、下石潭、雨台、席盘石、打鼓台、枫树岭、土台、龙泉庵、新塘、韦庄、银山、竹林湖、街口、两路口、西角湖、太常、塘塆、施塘、老虎头、王㙘、恒丰、赤东、曹英、金鸡、邱山;管凉亭、江凉亭、三合铺、南征湖、傅岗、寒婆岭、土城岗、胡岗、楼岗、红旗岗、圆峰山、荷林、学堂岗、西湖里、竹林墩、岚头矶、小烂泥滩;盘石桥、驸马坳、白石山、新桥、芦河、伍药铺、崇岩、马骅山、凉岗、刘牌楼、西河驿、火炉铺、张林冲、铺尔嘴、富冲、富山、大柳、蒋山、胡嘴、黄土嘴、九棵松、界岭、江坳、长石、刘冲、汪井、翁堑、新街、松树岗、路口、三店、潘畈、黄岗、易河、马湖、拢船头、周桥、新洲、蔡畈、许岗、乌石桥、李冲、乌石山、白鹤林、石头口、马桥、枫柏柳、策山;彭思、五岳、大洼厂、五松、独山、丁家嘴、叶塆、灵山、螺蛳港、余凉、清塘、茅山、朗山、王牌楼、凤凰、刘堑、黄柏城、长塘、张滩、郑岗、方港、白石岭、丁港、夹河、王铺、雷祠堂、陈桥、康桥、碎石山;株林、街后、姚塆、叶嘴、郭嘴、桂花塆、许家山、华河、华畈、方冲、大崎山、宋塘、陈坝、唐店、长塘角、会龙池、榔木冲、豹子山、慕义畈、下屋楼、陈应垅、柏条铺、黄泥塘、矿山、石板岩、黄城河、泡桐树、夏典铺、铺头坳、达城、湖塘角、亭子学、黄泥坳、三角山、居委会;刘河、花园岭、严浪、牌楼塆、舒塆、飞跃、洪曲嘴、胡凉亭、马路口、中路铺、鸭嘴、桥上、蔡寿、石马、驼背柳、湾潭、分路、里下冲、青峰、祖虞、张桥、高潮、坳上、白茆、曹庙、大公、董畈、范湖、方铺、龚坳、果子畈、河西上、胡坝、胡海、胡坪、花园港、黄金寨、黄坪、莲花、罗坳、彭冲、三门寨、石鼓冲、石鼓河、汤冲、汤畈、王桥、新铺、杨河、杨林冲、杨寨、曾冲、张铺、胡志高、金郁社区、居民社区;狮子、卢槽、胡敬冲、长林、何铺、登龙湾、东山冲、白果树、南渠冲、望江、三叠石、畈上塆、吴垱、郝上塆、苏塆、柳树坪、富沟、红石、鲇鱼地、於冲、天保寨、黄泥畈、孙塆、盘龙、郝子堡、吴檀塝、枫树塝、花凉亭、涂铺、圆襟冲、牛皮寨、余畈、白杨畈、石王寨、郝冲、贡畈、枫树桥、河口、董冲、张山、涂冲、万章、胡冲、松树林、花园、康冲、西坳、杨树坳、苍寨、赵畈、宋坳、邓河、吕河、农科所;望天畈、青石岭、蕉藤树、大樟树、中界岭、杨塆、郑嘴、张河嘴、八斗、白塘、郑山、白鸡尖、盖天、阁老、笔架山、桔子林、芭桥、草铺、裴冲、合盘冲、芭茅街、周畈、陈坳、文楼、叶铺、黄土堰、张畈、马河、赵围、柳畈、梅铺、大叶山、大屋、桐梓、许冲、温泉、高溪、花桥、龙溪、太湖、边街、水车河、火龙、张塝、宋垱、大竹、九潭、七里、古木、塘坻、舒塆、船形、胡塆、方嘴、塔林、下车门、韩塝、歇肩岭、横路、龙潭冲、大同司、下马沟、田六、马踏石、黄梅山、马鞍山、六溪冲、瓢铺、文畈、陈广、范塆、魏河、雷山、鲁围、彭山、余垱、百叶、孙冲、土库、新路、张塝;檀林、桥上、白洋沟、龙井河、詹山、碾下、枕头山、流芳、独山港、将军山、响水、桐山、德元、上界岭、横山头、麒麟、刘全、细舟、四流山、牛冲、朝阳洞、裴围、大王山、正冲、雷冲、西冲、朱冲、楼花、河东、河西、槐树、石牛、曹冲、肖河、上河、陈英、陈旺、田桥、乌沙畈、雾云山、青草坪、东山坪;大同、两河、板溪、唐山、车门、李山、方桥、柳林、石坪、梨木岭、何铺、游山、葛山、柳树、三山坳、南冲、王街、小竹冲、谢围、鲍山、金沟、操山、湖口畈、连城、黄山、汤坝、大桴;向桥、唐山、黄土、百箩丘、桥上塆、毛嘴、童嘴、宋树、桥边河、枫树、大元、桐油畈、龙井岸、白水、胡山、斌冲、刘寨、曹大山、藕塘、棠树岭、邓桥、杨垅、孙山、王塝、杨畈、狮子堰、姜冲、柳堰;总场社区、汤如海社区、滨江社区、赛湖社区,原种小区、良种小区、街道小区、白堰小区、余赛小区、三线塆小区、土门小区、水产养殖场小区、高山小区、高塆小区、外江小区、双沟小区、陈赛小区、半边山小区、龙凤山小区。蕲春县位于湖北省东南部,长江中游以北,隶属黄冈市,为武汉城市圈重要组成部分,是著名“教授县”,以人才辈出著称 [1] 。面积2397.6平方公里。总人口110万人(2016年)。北倚大别山,南临长江,风光秀丽,景色宜人,气候温和,四季分明。蕲春县下辖15个乡镇为:漕河镇、赤东镇、蕲州镇、管窑镇、横车镇、彭思镇、株林镇、刘河镇、狮子镇、青石镇、张榜镇、檀林镇、大同镇、向桥乡、八里湖。漕河镇面积163.8平方千米、赤东镇面积148.3平方千米、蕲州镇143.6平方千米、管窑镇72.5平方千米、横车镇192.8平方千米、彭思镇110平方千米、株林镇165.2平方千米、刘河镇214.6平方千米、狮子镇241平方千米、青石镇192.1平方千米、张榜镇207.5平方千米、檀林镇166.9平方千米、大同镇139.7平方千米、向桥乡205.1平方千米、八里湖34.5平方千米。


